Besides custom pet portraits, I also create original artworks which based on what animal (both wild & domesticated) inspires me at that time. These are original artworks I have created in 2023.
I offer limited edition prints as well as the originals themselves for sale on my website shop.
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‘Baby Face’
African Serval Kitten
Graphite pencil - 10x7 inch
African Caracal Kitten
Graphite pencil - 10x7 inch
‘My Sweet Baby’
African Nguni Calf
Graphite pencil - 12x9 inch
African Lion
Graphite pencil - 18x14 inch
‘Purple Snow’
Asian Snow Leopard
Aubergine coloured pencil - 14x13 inch
‘Autumn Vixen’
American Red Fox
Russet coloured pencil - 14x13 inch
‘And Then There Were Three’
South American Dusky-Headed Parakeets
Black & Warm Grey coloured pencils - 15x12 inch
‘Still Awareness’
Eurasian Red Squirrel
Graphite pencil - 14x10 inch
‘Water Nymph’
Asian Small-Clawed Otter
Graphite pencil - 6.5x6 inch
‘Himalayan Flame’
Asian Red Panda
Coloured pencils - 6.5x6 inch
‘Sign of Spring’
European Rabbit
Coloured pencils. - 6.5x6 inch
‘Tawny Moon’
European Tawny Owl
Coloured pencils - 6x6 inch
Asian Maritime Striped Squirrel
Coloured pencils - 6.5x6 inch